gets to read your emails, they're the BEST. Love you gumps.
SHAY YOU ARE AN ANGEL. You and Miguel are such a beautiful couple. I
loved seeing those temple pictures, too much happiness! Stop the
cuteness! Can't handle it.
Okay. Blast from the past, are you ready?
This week we had a companion exchange, and I was finally able to go
back to Toyama. I can't even explain the feelings I had there, it was
like I never left. We were able to visit so many people that I love so
much, one lady we used to meet with was free, we met her for lunch.
And we had great discussions and I invited her to take lessons from
the cute sisters serving in Toyama right now, and she said she would
love to. We left early that morning and visited Ikemoto! She was still
sleeping...haha whoops. But she answered the door and saw me and we
both screamed. Haha it was sooo fun to see her again and actually be
able to talk to her. She is so different that before, Sister would have died. She said she prays and reads
her scriptures still everyday and she loves Jesus Christ. It was so
neat, she has the spirit. The greatest gift ever. We left and while we
were headed to our next appointment, I just wept! I just cried, my
heart was so full. I was so grateful for my amazing trainer, who
worked so hard to help her reach the first step of salvation.
Our next appointment was with a girl from ARGENTINA! And the whole
lesson was in Spanish, the sister I was with speaks Spanish. Thought
of parks the whole time, Spanish is such a sweeeeeet language, Parker
you are a stud. We taught her how to pray, and she cried as she
prayed. The spirit is such a beautiful gift we have, I'm so grateful
to know what the love of God feels like. Recognizing the love of god
is so important!!
Last night I got a call from President Ishii. I wish I could call him
every night and just chat. Haha he is so amazing. He said that Nobuaki
called him! ....and told him that I was his student...? Haha Nobuaki
wants to come see me and do a fireside for other missionaries, so
President Ishii invited him to come do a fireside at our next zone
meeting! How fun will that be??? I have literally tried to set this up
in all my areas, but it's just never worked out. So I'm glad he took
the initiative. Haha.
Blasting some our Zone conference this week I did training
on working more with members. At one point, we were talking about
being more genki, happy and always smiling, making the members feel
loved. So I had everyone close their eyes and smile to their full
potential. I told them that my dad would always make us do that when
we were mad. :) it was the funniest thing EVER I wish I would have
filmed it.
Also, have you seen the new jelly belly game? There are 9 colors, but
18 flavors. One is good, one is bad. For example: coconut, or baby
wipes? Peach, or puke? Licorice, or skunk spray? Haha so we played
that with the zone. In trying to increase our faith, we are inviting
more people to baptism in the first lesson. From a couple months ago
until now, we increased from 7% to 75%! How cool is that? So proud of
everyone. :) So, now in order to increase our approach and way of
asking so that people can feel the spirit and desire to be baptized,
we related it to the jelly bellies. Some invites look good, but are
bitter. The spirit is not there. Anyway, it reminded me of our secret
code. And how holly Hansen only asked us once haha.
We had a meeting with the 6 missionaries, bishop, and ward mission
leader one night. We talked about some things we want to do this
transfer and the needs of the members. At the end, the Bishop said
something that I've been thinking a lot about. He said that we had
moved into the ward, and we are the strongest members in that ward. We
have the power and authority of God, and we are here to serve with all
our hearts. He told us he needs us, he needs us to bring the spirit
into the hearts of the members. I thought it was so profound, and I
want to live up to what he said. Parker, think like that in all your
wards. You are a member, and people will need YOU. Your light and your
love. Always lift others, church is one of the best times of the week,
take advantage when all the members are there toghether, it really is
a special time. I love to worship the Savior with the wonderful people
We met with Ohara and Kei San this week. Their granddaughter just got
back from a MISSION to Sapporo, and they are interested in
specifically the Plan of Salvation. And also why their granddaughter
went on a mission. Please keep them in your prayers! How neat for
their family if they choose to be baptized. ❤️❤️
I'm out of time, I love you so much. Another past blast--- remember
when we bought a mattress and hooked it to the top of the car and just
held on to it...and it flew off the top??? Hahahaha saw that happen
this week, what were we thinking? Hahaha
I love you so much! So so much. It's also sooo crazy and pasty blasty
to serve with Elder Orton. Last night we were eating with members, and
they thought it was so crazy that we knew each other. Elder Orton told
them that my mom was so cool and then we talked about how cool my mom
is for a solid 10 minutes. ;) I didn't know he'd been to our house! I
found pictures from parkers farewell and dances, and he said 'yep, I
was there. Yep I was there' haha
Love you!!!! Xoxoxoxo
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